And I will love you, baby - always
And I'll be there, forever and a day - always 



Bon Jovi / Always 

This Romeo is bleeding  羅密歐在滴血
But you can't see his blood  但妳看不到他的血
It's nothing but some feelings  只是一些感覺
That this old dog kicked up  被這隻老狗喚起
It's been raining since you left me  妳離開後一直下雨
Now I'm drowning in the flood  我快被雨水淹沒
You see I've always been a fighter  妳知道我曾經是個戰士
But without you, I give up  但沒有了妳,我放棄了

Now I can't sing a love song  現在我不能再像以往
Like the way its meant to be  把情歌唱得那麼動聽
Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore  好吧,我想我不再那麼完美
But baby, thats just me  但親愛的,那就是我

*And I will love you, baby - always  我會愛妳,寶貝──直到永遠
And I'll be there, forever and a day - always  我會在妳身邊,比永遠還多一天

I'll be there till the stars don't shine  我會陪妳直到星星不再照耀
Till the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme  直到天塌下來,直到每句話不再動聽
I know when I die, you'll be on my mind  我知道當我死去時,妳會永遠在我心中
And I love you - always  我愛妳──永遠愛你

Now your pictures that you left behind  現在妳留下的照片
Are just memories of a different life  只是另一個人生的回憶
Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry  有些讓我們笑,有些讓我們哭
One that made you have to say goodbye  其中之一讓妳必須離去
What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair  我該如何才能再撫摸妳的秀髮
Touch your lips, to hold you near  再碰妳的唇,再把妳抱緊
When you say your prayers, try to understand  當妳祈禱時,試著去了解
I've made mistakes, I'm just a man  我曾經犯錯,但我只是個凡人

When he holds you close, when he pulls you near  當他抱緊妳,當他拉近妳
When he says the words you've been needing to hear  當他說出妳曾經想聽的話
I wish I was him, that those words were mine  我希望我是他,這些話是我能說的
To say to you till the end of time  告訴你我會陪妳直到時間的盡頭

And I will love you, baby - always  我會愛妳,寶貝──直到永遠
And I'll be there, forever and a day - always  我會在妳身邊比永遠還多一天

If you told me to cry for you, I could  如果你要我為妳哭泣,我能夠
If you told me to die for you, I would  如果你要我為妳而死,我願意
Take a look at my face  看著我
There's no price I won't pay  我願為妳付出一切
To say these words to you  只為了對妳說這些話

Well, there ain't no luck in this loaded dice  好吧!在老千灌鉛的骰子裡沒有任何運氣
But baby if you give me just one more try  但假如妳再給我一次機會
We can pack up our old dreams and our old lives  我們可以找回以前的夢和從前的生活
We'll find a place where the sun still shines (*)  我們會找到一個陽光依然燦爛的地方



中英歌詞引用自 安德森之夢






Always , Bon Jovi 最具代表性的芭樂情歌...No.....是Bon Jovi 最具代表的抒情搖滾~


 95年在London的這場萬人現場LIVE, 足足演唱了七分多鐘 .

主唱 Jon Bon Jovi 忘我地即興演出和吉他手Richie Sambora 間奏與尾奏自加的 solo ,都很有感覺、都令人感動.

當時Bon Jovi 30多歲,轉眼已過十幾年...

沒想過青春少年時的偶像Jon Bon Jovi ,也開始蒼老了....








2009-06-15 11:25:52






    Bon Jovi 安樂傳
    創作者 salinas 的頭像


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