



齊豫 - The Music Of The Night
作詞:Charles Hart / 作曲:Andrew Lloyd Webber


Night time sharpens heightens each sensation

Darkness wakes and stirs imagination

Silently the senses adandon their defenses

Helpless to resist the notes I write

For I compose the music of the night 

Slowly , gently , night unfurls its splendor

Grasp it! sense it ! tremulous and  tender

Hearing is believing , music is deceiving

Hard as lightening , soft as  candle light are you trust the music of the night

Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell thr truth

And the truth isn't what  you want to see  In the dark it is easy to pretend

That the truth is what it ought  to be

Softly, deftly,music shall caress you

Hear it! feel it! secrstly possess you

Open  up your mind ,let your fantasies unwind

In this darkness which you know you cannot fight he darkness of the music of the night.

Close your eyes start a journey to a strange new world

Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before

Close your eyes and let music set you free

Only  then can you belong to me  Floating , falling ,sweet intoxication

Touch me ! trust me ! savor each sensation

Let the dream begin let your darker side give in

To the power of the music  that I write

The power of the music of the music of the night.

You alone can make my song take flight

Help me make the music of the night.


 夜晚讓一切感官 變得敏銳高亢






 抓住它 感受它 那份微顫和溫順

 耳聽為憑 音樂欺人

 它可以碩大如閃電 又可以微弱如燭光







 聽它 感覺它 讓它偷偷的佔有你

 把心打開 讓狂想舒展在這



 閤上雙眼 開始一段探索新奇世界的旅程

 只有在那個時候 你才能完全屬於我

 搖搖晃晃跌跌落落 一次甜蜜的迷醉

 觸摸我 相信我 讓每一種感受更醇香

 讓夢起飛 讓存於你內心那黑暗的一面








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